To people

Oh people
How could you be all so sane
all walk in a line everyday
Wake up the same way
Use words the right way
How could you say things so right so clean
Like it is the same theatre scene?

How do you folks walk so straight
So tidy in one direction
Every single day

oh how do you keep on your plans
You made them only far far in the past
You persist and your ideas last..


How do you calm down people
What is your trick
How could you not even get sick

I watch you
and you really keep every step in the same length
In the same trail

I see you and you put on the same shirts
And you can look the same
Shake hands
Say Hi
Dont you ever forget each others name?!
Why is it to me so strange.. so lame?


Oh people
I see you everyday
In the street
Are you all ok?
Dont you ever want to just lose it and play?
Now you call it cliche what I say

But please
Tell me why
You make feel
Like the only one who lost her way
Like the one who cant stop or stay

And I have never had any normal day?

I began where you did
ended up lost
What is that I missed out?
What was the fault?

Anyways it might be too late
I wish you all keep doing great But I cant wait
Somehow I even like this debate

But give me a sign, wave a hand
if you ever thaught the same
write me back
If you ever questioned the game


I feel love
For a man
Who has a heart of mountains

And his stones smell of another planet.